Let there be light in the season of darkness

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As the days grow short this time of year, crimes of opportunity increase. Deterrents as simple as better lighting can ensure your business is not a victim.

A substantial increase in street crime occurs after the end of Daylight Savings Time (which began Nov. 3 this year), according to an analysis of crime patterns by economists at the University of Virginia.

“Our results suggest that robbery rates will actually increase by 7 percent overall,” economist Jennifer Doleac told Shanka Vedantam in a recent report on National Public Radio. “And this effect will be driven by about a 27 percent increase in robbery during the sunset hour that is affected.”

Crimes of opportunity – like robbery and burglary – can be deterred simply by brightening your company’s exterior.

Ensure exterior lighting is adequate, and install motion detector and decoy lights. If exterior lighting is on a timer, don’t forget to adjust the timer to accommodate the change in daylight throughout the year. December sunsets come as early as 4:19 p.m. in northern Illinois.

Create an end-of-day checklist for staff to lock doors, windows, garages and sheds, and activate lights when leaving the premises. Also, perform routine tasks and clean up the exterior of your property regularly.

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